Member-only story
A Spiritual Journey | The Awakening
I have been searching for the greater meaning of my life for as long as I can remember.
I’ve always felt different. I’ve never really fit in, not at home, not in school, not with most people. Even now, at 38 years old, I almost always feel like a freak.
I’m intense at times. Child-like at others. I was the kid who chased fairies at dusk and scanned the horizon for mermaids. In adolescence, I swore the wind spoke to me, and I made friends with a girl who taught me to chant in the moonlight. As an adult, the beauty of a sunrise can bring tears to my eyes, and my breath regularly catches at the complex magnificence of life.
I’ve been searching for proof of MORE for a long time — so it shouldn’t have been all that shocking when The Universe finally shouted back, but it was.
It had been three nights of restless insomnia. I was exhausted, struggling to focus on the message I was typing. The blinking cursor marked the seconds passing by. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair and allowed my eyelids to fall shut. My body sagged, and I concentrated on my breath; I just needed to take a break for a minute, and then I could power through the last of my work for the day and finally go lay down.
As I sat there, my concentration began to wander, and my breathing became deeper. Suddenly, I was aware…